Aerial Lift (MEWP) Trainer

Aerial Lift (MEWP) Trainer
Location:United States
Scissor Lifts and Aerial Lifts or Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWP)are utilized for many activities in
both the general industry and construction. While using aerial lifts is generally a safer way to perform
tasks at heights compared to using a ladder, they can also be very dangerous and costly for untrained
operators not aware of the hazards involved in the operation and functionality of the machines.
This 1-day certification course is designed to provide individuals with the skills and knowledge to teach
an effective aerial and scissor lift operator course and evaluate competence.
Topics covered in this course include:
- New ANSI 92.22 requirements for Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWP)
- Hazards
- Factors Affecting Stability
- Workplace Inspection Criteria
- Lift Inspection Criteria
- Fall Protection Requirements
- Rescue Requirements
- Functionality
- Operator Warnings
- Effective teaching methods
Class includes full training curriculum and a flash drive for training others on MEWPs. Students will also
receive a wallet card template to create their own wallet cards and certify students at their own facility.
Trainer certification is good for 5 years.