Excavation and Trenching Trainer

Excavation and Trenching Trainer
Location:United States
OSHA requires a competent person to oversee all excavation and trenching work sites. This 1-day class is for everyone that wants to Train their employees to safely work in and recognize hazards at excavation and trenching worksites.
Class includes full training curriculum and a flash drive for training others in excavation and trenching operations. Students will also receive a wallet card template to create their own wallet cards and certify students at their own facility.
This course has been revised with the current 1926.650 Subpart P – Excavation Standard of the Federal OSHA Regulations which includes definitions, general requirements, requirements for protective systems and soil classification. Class demonstrations include soil testing for compressive strength, air testing for deep trench issues, rescue with retrieval systems and shoring.
Participants receive a manual and are expected to pass an open book test with a grade of 70%.
Participants will be able to: Display knowledge of the FED/OSHA Trenching and Excavation Standard. Read and understand OSHA Charts & Tab data. Understand how to categorize soil classification and correct soil testing procedures.
Understand how to select and use different types of protective systems. Identify hazards associated with trenches and excavations.
Trainer certification is good for 5 years.